Fairfax County Police Watch: Fairfax County Police kill another unarmed man.
Fairfax County Police Watch: Fairfax County Police kill another unarmed man.: According to the latest reports, the homeless man gunned down the shoot-happy Fairfax County police was unarmed. It appears that the...
Fairfax County Police Watch: Why even bother reporting this?
Fairfax County Police Watch: Why even bother reporting this?: Fairfax County officer fatally shoots man during fight at homeless shelter. The gun happy Fairfax County police shot and killed another...
And now a word from Fairfax County Police Chief Another White Guy with a Nazi Haircut
I want the people of Fairfax County to know that we are still dragging out feet on the killing of citizen John Greer by a Fairfax County cop. Rest assured that the Fairfax County Police are investigating the Fairfax County Police and once again we will find the Fairfax County Police innocent of all charges......its kinda like getting away with murder ain't it?
Fairfax County cops execute another unarmed man
County cops execute another unarmed man
The Fairfax County Police shot an killed an unarmed man who
was alone in his home. The police caused the situation, they escalated the
situation and they handled it poorly and are expected to take several weeks to
develop their justification story.
said they were responding….in force with a tank, a helecopter, a SWAT team, K-p
units, and no less than 23 cops to a “Domestic dispute” but
Geer was alone in the house. The victim of this police shooting this time was John
Geer, age 46, a kitchen installer with no history of violence had to end in
death. He left behind two teenage
According to Geer’s father, Geer had been throwing his estranged wife’s
belongings, she is 24 years old, into the front yard because she was leaving
him, so she called the cops who marked the call as a domestic dispute. She was
asked if there were guns in the house and she said there was. The weapons were
under lock and key
There's a Maura Harrington listed at the same address where the
killing took place.
Neighbors recalled him as even-keeled, outgoing and helpful.
A search of police records in Fairfax County showed that Geer was found guilty
of drunken driving in 2010 but no convictions for violent crimes or more
serious offenses. A neighbor said he talked to Geer in the minutes before the
police encounter. He said that Geer didn’t say anything suicidal but he was
deeply shaken about the impending breakup.
For forty minutes the cops demanded that Geer, who stood at
his front door, for forty minutes "They just continued to tell him: come
out, come out, come out," said one witness.
Geer had not showed the cops any sort of weapon nor had he advanced
toward them. He made no mention of harming himself or others. Geer’s hands were
up in the air, seconds before he was gunned down because they were on top of
the storm door. He as shot in the chest while slowly lowering his hands. He had
no weapon in his possession and there was no weapon within his reach.
Shot in the chest, Greer pushed his way back into the house
and bled to death. The heros from the SWAT team entered the house by way of
tank one hour later and found Geer dead.
Same old Culture of Contempt, different name.
How do we solve the police corruption problem in Fairfax County?
We bring in fresh blood. We hire
someone who will adjust the attitude of arrogance and entitlement that permeates
the department, an outsider who will change the culture of contempt and
brutality that is the Fairfax County police.
With an honest police chief, meaning someone who wasn’t bred in the
Fairfax County Police department, we won’t need to discuss a citizen oversight
panel to investigate entrapment and murders by the cops-from –another-county on
the local citizenry.
With an ethical man or woman at
the top of the Neanderthal chain, the cops reckless spending could be roped in
and the several thousand yearly misconduct complaints against the police would
actually be investigated and the results of those investigations would be made
public, since, after all, the public pays for them.
And no, the Fairfax County Police ARE NOT investigating complaints
against them. Snap out of it. This isn’t a fairy tale. This is a police
force out of control and to prove that, not one incident report on the killing
of eight unarmed citizens in the past decade has been released to the public in
all probability because they were never investigated in the first place.
Anyway, back to an honest police chief.
The board of supervisors would fire an honest chief who tried to drag
the Fairfax County police force into the light of day. They’d fire him and they
would do it within a year. And they would do that because it’s really
a matter of values which is why Sharon Bulova and her cronies will never bring
in an outside person to manage the police.
What the board wants is someone who has no values, someone who won’t
question the practice of sweeping complaints about the cops under the carpet.
And most importently they want someone who will make damn sure the right
political contributions arrive into the right hands.
To prove the point, instead of hiring an outsider who will change
things, Bulova and her friends promoted whatever the hell is name is as chief
of police….it doesn’t matter what his name because he doesn’t matter. He won’t
rock the boat. He won’t change anything. That’s what matters to those people. To
prove the point, when asked what his plans for the department are, Chief
whats-it responded that he intended to hire more cops under the guise of
diversity. We don’t need more cops, of any color or creed. More cops will just
add to the problem. Fix the cops we have and then hire new ones.
It doesn’t matter, really. None of this matters because it will never
change. This guy, chief what’s his face,
will put in his time and retire with a pension that would make him a
millionaire in most 3rd world countries.
And when he goes, the next irrelevant person chosen from the inside the
department will take his place and nothing will change and Fairfax County, a
21st century place, will go on with its 19th century police force.
And no, correcting the corrupt and often
criminal Fairfax County Police Department won’t be solved by police oversight
because oversight can’t fix the core of the problem within the Fairfax County
Police Department which is contempt by the cops for the citizens who pay them (and
pay them much too much, way above the national average)
Oversight in Fairfax County will solve nothing except to give a bunch of
angry and bored retired guys something to do while adding even more bureaucracy
to a county government already saturated in red tape, overhead and redundancy.
Want an example of costly overhead and redundant positions? Former
police chief Rhorer’s six figure salaried job as “extra special police chief” or
Head Dwarf in charge or whatever the hell he is this month, can’t be justified any
more than the board of supervisors can explain the 20,000 foot, multimillion
dollar addition to the McLean police palace or the several hundred unused cars
the police department purchased and doesn’t use or the small fortune of public
money the cops are secretly pouring into drones.
Aside from not doing anything to change the cop’s culture of contempt
the claim that a citizen’s review board
would protect the public from continued
unlawful actions by the Fairfax County Police is unfounded . The fact is that is
no evidence can be found anywhere in the United States to justify that claim.
Citizen’s review boards do not curtail violence and other felonious activities
by the police upon the citizenry because virtually every citizen’s review board
in the nation is a dismal failure. Most are powerless to enforce their will and
are manipulated into subservience by local politicians, people like Bulova and
Hyland and that’s exactly what will happen in Fairfax County if we get
It’s also not true that a citizen’s review board would protect the
police department from unjustified criticism by the public. Snap out of it….the cops in this county don’t give
damn what the public thinks. That’s mean
you. They could care less what you think. You have no value to them and in so
long as the board of supervisors continues to reward the cop’s culture of
contempt the police will continue not to give a damn about what the public
thinks of them or anything else.
Bulova and Hyland handed us an “independent
auditor” to investigate the hundreds and hundreds of complaints about abusive
behavior by the occupying force of outsiders that is the Fairfax County Police.
And to their credit they did with a straight face and doing anything straight
must have been a real chore for Hyland but anyway……the reason the board of
supervisors dreamt up the “independent auditor” wasn’t to derail calls for
police oversight. They did it because they can fire anyone in the position who
either audits the police or acts independently.
Elected officials, generally, are
all about power and live in the cult of self adoration. They don’t want or give a damn about what’s
good for you. They want what’s good for them and controlling the “independent
auditor” is what’s good for them. Citizens controlling a police review board
does not benefit members of the board of supervisors in any way, shape, manner
or form. In fact, police oversight would draw attention away from people like Sharon
“Show me the money” Bulova and Gerry Dearie Hyland and it would sap their
control over the county.
Besides, the fact that the board of supervisors funds almost 100
advisory boards but can’t bring itself to create a citizens advisory board
should tell the citizens advisory board advocates that a citizens review panel
ain’t gonna happen.……..so snap out of the piss trance and revert to plan B and
make a real difference, here and now, through political action and pulic awareness
because police oversight until pigs fly….pun intended.
If you want change don’t expect the local government to bring about that
change. The only way to rein the police in is to fire the people who hire the
cops and you will only be able to do that if you have grass roots support. Form
a political action. Work the polling precinct with handouts on the issue of
police corruption. That should be easy
since Virginia seems to have elections every three weeks.
Build blogs and websites aimed at informing
the people of Fairfax County about how corrupt, contemptuous and bloated the
Fairfax County Police are. Send speakers
to community groups and churches to bring the issue to light. People will listen if you give them something
to listen too and if you include them in the process.
Police oversight isn’t the silver bullet that will end the systematic corruption
and contempt that is the Fairfax County Police ebcuase the answer to fixing the
Fairfax County Police isn’t one thing it’s many things.
Not running the police department like a secret hillbilly cult is also
part of the answer.
Firing Sharon Bulova and keeping
her out of public office forever is a very large part of the answer.
Holding Gerry…that’s Gerry with G dearies…..Hyland accountable for his
“spend whatever the cops want” actions over the past few years is part of the
answer as well.
Putting a stop to the cops costly an unneeded publicity campaign is part
of the answer.
Forcing the cops to live in the county that pays them (and again, pays
them better than the national average) is part of the answer.
Cutting the police budget by at least 20% and placing that cash where
it’s needed (Schools, highways, more roads) is part of the answer.
Explaining to the cops that using lethal force when unnecessary is a bad
thing. So is setting up school teachers and eye doctors for false arrest. The
cops don’t understand that those are morally wrong things to do and their
actions support the claim.
As to the suggestion of bringing in the FBI to investigate possible
civil rights violation by the Fairfax County Police. Forget it, that ain’t
gonna happen in a Democratic stronghold while we have a Democratic
administration in the White House.
Besides investigating civil rights violations isn’t what we need to
investigate. What we need to investigate is the reason that our elected
officials are so hell bent on making the cops happy. To find that out, don’t
send in the FBI send in the IRS to investigate the hundreds of nickel and dime
political contributions that come into the Board of Supervisors campaign offers.
Have the auditors pay special attention to those contributions that come in
from Louden and Prince William Counties….you know…those two places where 80% of
the Fairfax County police force lives.
And the investigators should ask “Are these low ball contributions,
intended to fly in under the radar, coming from the sons, daughters, in-laws
and other relatives of the Fairfax County Police at the urging of the cops
union and if so, what are the cops getting in return at our expense? A lot, actually.
Fairfax County Cop charged with fabricating report of hit-and-run driver in crash last year ….will probably be promoted as a result.
Fairfax County Cop charged with fabricating report of hit-and-run driver in crash last year ….will probably be promoted as a result.
A Fairfax County cop has been charged with making up a report about his cruiser having been struck by a hit-and-run driver. Officer Carl Biggs’ cruiser was the only car involved in the May crash in Annandale. His car hit a utility pole on Gallows Road. Police say Biggs initially told investigators that another car ran a stop sign and struck his cruiser, causing it to spin out and hit the poll. Biggs wasn’t injured in the crash.
fairfax county police
fairfax county police
Fairfax County Police Watch: $462 photograph
Fairfax County Police Watch: $462 photograph: Lets see, twelve government workers posing for a photo no one wants, except them, at an average yearly cost to the taxpayers of $80,000 X...
Does this sound right to you?
A Fairfax County cop says his police cruiser was struck by another car on Gallows Road when the driver ran a stop sign. The cops say the car struck the cop car in the back quarter panel, making the cruiser spin and strike a utility pole. The cop car has a smashed tail light. The driver then fled the scene. The only description the cops have is that the car was a dark four-door sedan.
So the cop didn’t get a license plate, a make or model of the car and he didn’t chase the bad guy?
Yeah…well….you know…that could happen.
No really, it could happen.
fairfax county police
fairfax county police
We should build a rose garden to the memory of citizens killed by the Fairfax County Police. Don’t chuckle over it. There are enough people in this county willing to finance and promote the project.
Just as the Fairfax County cops best bud Gerry (With a G, dearie) Hyland wants to tax our food, the cops decided to a mid-day self-glorification rally on company time. They have that much of our money to spare. The manufactured event, a memorial service held at the Public Safety Rose Garden located behind police headquarters, was to recognize police officers killed in the line of duty.
We should recognize police officers who sacrifice their lives for the public good. But in all fairness to the people of Fairfax County, we have done that and done that many times.
Considering the enormity of police budget, the over gross overhead of assistant/deputy police chiefs, combined with the extremely generous paychecks and golden retirement parachutes we give the Fairfax County police …SHOULD’T THE COPS BE DOING THIS SORT OF THING ON THEIR OWN TIME AND AT THEIR OWN EXPENSE?
This is to say nothing of issue that the Fairfax County Police spend an inordinate amount of time promoting themselves which is what the parade in the rose garden was about and which leads us to the question that if the cops were forced to put on the display in the rose garden on their own clock instead of ours, would they be conducting these self-serving ceremonies at all? No, probably not because these sort of high drama gatherings are for the sake of illusion, a means of telling the taxpayer “Don’t look at what we take. Look at what we give”
But they do take. They take a lot, especially when we factor in that Fairfax County cops, by and large, don’t live in this country which is very generous to them. Their paychecks are spent in Prince William County. The homes they buy are there as well. Their kids take short buses, no doubt, to Louden schools.
Yet the enormous overhead cost of redundant and unnecessary staff in the police department comes out of our counties budget. Same with the fat paychecks we give them and lucrative retirement deals they weaseled out of us. Our county pays for it.
And what is this “Public safety rose garden?” Why are we paying for this? If the cops want their own garden, they should build one out of their pockets and not ours. And why do they get one at all? Does the County assessor get an apple grove in his honor or garbage collectors a field of lilies? Enough is enough.
One out of three cops is a common thief
Orleans Parish Deputy Pleads Guilty to Conspiracy to Commit Bribery
U.S. Attorney’s Office March 21, 2013 • Eastern
District of Louisiana (504) 680-3000
NEW ORLEANS—Gerard J. Hoffman, Jr., 59, a resident of
Mandeville, Louisiana, pled guilty today before U.S. District Judge Jane Triche
Milazzo to conspiracy to commit bribery, announced U.S. Attorney Dana J.
According to the factual basis, Hoffman, the former head of
the maintenance department at the Orleans Parish Sheriff’s Office (OPSO), began
receiving things of value from a contractor, identified as Businessman B, in
exchange for a rigged bidding system employed to steer OPSO work to Businessman
B. In particular, from 2007 through 2011, Businessman B would submit bids for
OPSO work in the name of his respective company but, with the knowledge and
participation of, among others, Hoffman, would also submit phony or fake bids
for these same projects in the names of other local companies, in an effort to
give the appearance of a competitive bidding process. In many cases, the phony
bids would intentionally be higher than the bids from Businessman B and,
consequently, the OPSO work would be awarded, with Hoffman’s participation and
knowledge, to Businessman B.
In exchange for this rigged bidding process, according to
court documents, Hoffman received several things of value from Businessman B.
For example, from 2007 through 2011, Hoffman received a trailer, a storage
container, and free maintenance and construction work at a house owned by
Hoffman, all at no cost to him. In total, Hoffman received at least $5,000, but
less than $10,000, in things of value from Businessman B in exchange for
Hoffman’s official acts at the OPSO.
Hoffman faces a maximum penalty of five years’ imprisonment,
three years’ supervised release, a $250,000 fine, and a $100 special
assessment. Sentencing has been scheduled for June 20, 2013.
U.S. Attorney Boente, as well as the investigative and
prosecution team, offers their thanks to the Metropolitan Crime Commission for
providing valuable assistance in this case.
The case was investigated by special agents of the Federal
Bureau of Investigation. The case is being prosecuted by Assistant U.S.
Attorneys Matt Chester and Jon Maestri.
Detroit, Michigan: A cop and a civilian were arrested in
connection with an armed robbery investigation. The men are accused of a series
of robberies of several businesses. ow.ly/jyhu3
"Dirty 30" Cop Arrested in Chinatown
Former cop Russell Litwenak is accused of robbery and
criminal impersonation of a cop
A former NYPD cop, disgraced during the notorious “Dirty 30”
scandal in the '90s, was arrested on Monday and accused of stealing $3,000 from
a woman in Chinatown, according to court papers.
Russell Litwenak, who was fired from the NYPD in 1994
following his conviction on burglary charges, was taken into custody around 3
p.m. near Forsyth and Chrystie streets, after a woman called police claiming he
took the cash when it fell out of her purse, according to a criminal complaint
filed in Manhattan Criminal Court.
The woman told police she dropped the money while walking to
pay her rent. An unknown man, believed to be working with Litwenak, came up to
her and grabbed the money as she was putting it back into her purse and took
off with it, according to court papers.
She followed that man when she says the 68-year-old ex-cop
came out of nowhere and grabbed her by the collar. She says he held her against
the wall, and told her that he was a cop. Investigators believe that Litwenak
and the man, who was able to get away, were working together.
The victim was able to alert people on the street to what
was happening and they held Litwenak for police.
According to the criminal complaint, Litwenak was charged
with robbery and criminal impersonation of a cop. He is being held on $15,000
The “Dirty 30” scandal rocked the NYPD in the '90s after
more than 30 cops were arrested for illegally raiding drug dealers' apartments,
stealing cash and drugs.
cop charged with 10 felonies related to armed robberies
DETROIT — Two badged men entrusted with public faith to
uphold and enforce the law have instead violated it, the Wayne County
Prosecutor's Office claims.
Cop Clifton Whatley, 34, and longtime friend Jeffrey
Armstrong are charged with multiple felonies related to a string of armed
robberies in Detroit and surrounding communities.
"It is alleged that Clifton Whatley has robbed victims
in five of our Wayne County communities," Wayne County Prosecutor Kym
Worthy said. "We will vigorously present our case in court."
Has been suspended from the force and police officials say
they are not releasing any further details.
Whatley, a Detroit cop since 2000 who most recently working
a day-shift at the Central District Headquarters in New Center, was arraigned
in Taylor's 23rd District Court this morning.
"Whatley organized and orchestrated a series of
robberies throughout Wayne County, including Taylor, Westland, Canton, Harper
Woods and Melvindale," Kym Worthy's office says.
He's charged with three counts of armed robbery, two counts
of bank robbery, conducting a criminal enterprise, three counts of unlawful
imprisonment and felony firearm.
"In May 2012, Armstrong, a longtime friend of Whatley
is alleged to have robbed a Check and Go located in the 9100 block of Telegraph
in Taylor," prosecutor's say.
Armstrong is charged with armed robbery, bank robbery and
felonious firearm possession.
Armstrong is scheduled to be arraigned April 8 followed by a
preliminary examination.
Whatley, whose bond was set at $1 million, has a preliminary
examination the same day as Armstrong.
"We are committed to ensuring that the members of the
Detroit Police Department conduct themselves in a manner that is worthy of the
public’s trust," Interim Police Chief Cheater Logan said in a statement.
"To that end all allegations of police misconduct that occurs within our
jurisdiction will be thoroughly and impartially investigated and my department
will assist and cooperate with all outside jurisdictions."
The crimes were committed between May of 2012 and March of
2013 and state police investigated, according to a clerk in the Taylor Police
Department administrative offices.
cop charged with stealing food from Carmel supermarket
CARMEL — A New York City cop is charged with stealing food
from the Hannaford Supermarket, Putnam County sheriff’s spokesman Capt. William
McNamara said.
Vanessa Bobe, 35, of Kent was charged Saturday with petty
larceny, a misdemeanor, and released. She has been suspended without pay for at
least 30 days, New York City police told The Journal News.
Deputies responded at 2 p.m. Saturday to the store in Putnam
Plaza along Route 6 on a complaint by a security staffer, the sheriff’s office
said. Bobe was allegedly seen on closed-circuit television hiding food items on
According to the sheriff’s office, the staffer confronted
Bobe when she left without paying and detained her until deputies arrived.
Deputy Robert Hudson gave her an appearance ticket and released her.
Bobe is scheduled to appear in Carmel Justice Court April 9.
If convicted, she could face up to a year in jail and/or a $1,000 fine.
Bobe could not immediately be reached for comment Tuesday.
The NYPD could not immediately provide her salary.
cop charged with committing robberies throughout Wayne County
A Detroit cop has been charged with committing robberies in
Wayne County.
It is alleged that from May 2012 through March 2013, Clifton
Whatley organized and orchestrated a series of robberies throughout the County,
including in Taylor, Westland, Canton, Harper Woods and Melvindale.
Whatley is accused of using his background as an cop and his
family members to pull off the crimes.
In May 2012, Layman Armstrong, A Detroit resident and
longtime friend of Whatley, is alleged to have robbed a Check and Go located in
the 9100 block of Telegraph in Taylor.
Sources said investigators found a gun, cash and bank bags
in Whatley's home and that photos of the targeted businesses were on his phone.
Whatley is charged with three counts of armed robbery, two
counts of bank robbery, one count of conducting a criminal enterprise, three
counts of unlawful imprisonment and felony firearm.
He's been a cop since 2000 and was most recently assigned to
the Detroit Police Department's Central District office.
He was given a $1 million cash bail. He pleaded with the
judge that he needed to be at home with his kids.
"I've never been arrested. I just came home from work
yesterday and was arrested on this," he said.
Two members of his own alleged robbery crew were caught in
Westland and named Whatley as the getaway driver. They also said Whatley
provided the gun used in the armed robbery.
Whatley's niece claims he told her to let him rob her at a check
cashing business, but she refused. The business was eventually robbed anyways,
and Whatley's niece recognized Whatley's best friend as one of the robbers.
"He recruited, trained, and provided direct
instructions to his nephew in connection to planning and carrying out a
multitude of armed robberies," said Robert Miller, assistant Wayne County
Whatley also moonlights out of town as a bodyguard for
rapper Rick Ross. He denies his roll in any of the crimes.
"All of this is allegation. I have never committed a
crime in my life," said Whatley.
Whatley has been suspended from the Detroit Police
Department and now faces life in prison if convicted.
Armstrong is charged with armed robbery, bank robbery and
felony firearm. His arraignment is scheduled for April 8.
Statement from Detroit Police Chief Chester Logan:
"We are committed to ensuring that the members of the
Detroit Police Department conduct themselves in a manner that is worthy of the
public’s trust. To that end all allegations of police misconduct that occurs
within our jurisdiction will be thoroughly and impartially investigated and my
department will assist and cooperate with all outside jurisdictions."
Stuck in traffic because we don’t have enough roads? No, you’re stuck in traffic because the cops got your road improvement money.
“The insufferable arrogance of human beings to think that Nature was made solely for their benefit, as if it was conceivable that the sun had been set afire merely to ripen men's apples and head their cabbages.” Cyrano De Bergerac
Stuck in traffic because we don’t have enough roads? No, you’re stuck in traffic because the cops got your road improvement money.
The cops in McLean spent $20,000,000 of your money...…money that won’t go to schools or road improvements or a library……because they wanted to make a few improvements to their office space. Twenty million dollars’ worth of improvement. Constructing a new building would have cost less.
“The roof has been leaking for years and we don’t have anywhere to park our cruisers,” said Supreme Allied Commander Janickey.
Leaky roofs? Oh come on. The red necks you hire never knew a roof didn’t leak until they came way north to Fairfax County. How do you think they got water into the house?
When we in the non-millionaire class have a leaky roof we don’t build a new $20,000,000 home. We repair the roof. You call a roof guy, he shows up with a hammer or something and closes the leaks and you pay him.
So are we clear, Mister Howl? You repair the roof you don’t build a new building. I don’t care what “That’s Gerry with G Dearie” Hyland told you.
The second “good” reason Commander Spendthrift has to build a $20, 000, 000 addition to the existing police station (while salivating at the possibility of building a second station a few blocks away) is parking.
That’s right. There is a parking shortage at red neck central so the morons are spending $20, 000,000 of your money on their home improvements.
“We don’t have anywhere to park our cruisers” Super Commandant Janickey whined.
Well, just park like you do at home back in Prince William County where almost 90% of you live….park on the front lawn next to the ole truck up on cinder blocks that don’t still work no how.
Star Fleet Commander Janickey apparently thinks we are all blind and can’t see through the open chain link fence around the McLean police station with its half empty parking lot and two dozen unused police cars sitting idly within.
Want more room in your half empty lot? Get rid of the two dozen cop cars you don’t use, that’ll give you room in your parking lot. Here’s another idea to make more room. Get rid of some of the 180 people you have on staff. You could get by with half that number of people on staff and you know it.
Since this is obviously a case of the police out of control we went straight to the bastion of control in Fairfax County, the board of supervisors.
“If I had a backbone, I’d stand up to these cops” said McLean area Supervisor John W. Foust “instead I’m going to pretend this isn’t an outrage and pray it goes away. If it doesn’t we’ll just toss more money at it until it does go away.”
“And I’ll be there to catch it,” said Sharon “show me the money” Bulova, although no one asked her.
“Of course they can have two new police stations and twenty four new cops for a crime problem that doesn’t exist!” said Supervisor “Gerry with G” Hyland. “Money is not an issue. I have spent my entire life in government and in those many years of avoiding real work I have learned that when you need more money you simply send someone out to the magic money tree to get it. And that’s exactly what we’ll do here. The people should kneel before the police to show how grateful they are. I’m always on my knees when it comes to the cops.”
In other words, the board of supervisors, the people you elected to protect your interests, have nothing to say on the issue.
So as you sit in traffic, late for everything and burning gas remember the words of Commander and Spend Janickey who said, “It’s a good time to be at the McLean station.” And he’s right. Life for your local police is very, very good.
new police station in Tysons?
It’s now reached the point where the Fairfax County Police in McLean are holding their own press conferences to declare news on crime waves that haven’t happened and probably won’t happen either.
The motivation behind this grab for even more power in our government is the possibility of a new police station and other additions to our already bloated and grossly over funded police.
There are several points to be taken from the cop's demands on our pockets. One is that the police in the McLean area are “overwhelmed”. Not true. On any night of the week, several cop cars can be watched, and can be watched for an extended spell, stopped in Lewinsville Park, motors running on the gasoline we pay for. But you have to watch from a distance. The cops make goddamn sure no one enters the park after dark besides them. And now you know why.
The other point is the pending mass of criminally prone hordes that the cops say will sweep into Tyson’s with the arrival of the Metro. Yes, as remarkable as it is, we employ cops too dumb to go find a better job yet smart enough to foresee the future. Ironic, ain’t it?
“More crime is on the way so give us a raise.” What else would you expect a cop to say? “Don’t worry, everything will fine?” Of course a cop won’t say that. Cops live off the public till and in Fairfax County the cops live very, very well off the public teat and the best way for them to keep citizens from asking why the cops in Fairfax County operate on an open-checkbook basis, is to scare the taxpayer into thinking that without massive law enforcement spending, chaos and crime will rule our streets.
For the cops it’s easier to scare than to explain why they weren’t prepared for the Metro opening years ago, or why they haven’t figured out ways to deal with a possible increase in crime within their $300,000,000 budget.
That would be the concerned, forward thinking way to handle this. But thinking, concerned cops who plan out the community good won’t happen in Fairfax County, however playing the race card to pimp more money out of the taxpayer will happen. In fact it’s happening right now because that’s what “crime will increase when the metro opens” appears to be. It seems like “white speak” for “the black people are coming to rob us and the bastards are taking the metro to get here”.
We can’t blame the cops for demanding more of everything. After all, when has the board of supervisors ever denied them anything?
In Fairfax County the cops massive budget finances an underused and barely useful Police Navy, a Police Air Force that’s proven time and again to be redundant and a SWAT team large enough and bored enough to fall out for the execution of an unarmed gambler they set up for arrest. The cops literally get away with murder. So why not demand a new police station and a new hire of a hundred cops?
The policeman in McLean says that getting more cops to work for him is “critical”…yeah for him, not for us, but then again, your money means nothing to the Fairfax County Police because barely one of them lives in this county.
The proposed multi-million dollar Tysons police station would sit on acres and acres of commercially valuable land and would require that the taxpayer pick up the tab to hire an additional 132 new cops and 30 generically named “staff”. To the cops it makes sense. Few, if any of them have ever held a job outside government. To them, your money grows on magic trees.
There are other alternatives:
Name the station “The Bernard Goetz Welcome Center”: In 1984, Goetz gunned down four black men on a subway because one of them asked him for money. Bernie is now the New York City police chief but I’m sure we can lure him down here with the right dose of medication. The Fairfax cops could get him to shoot black people as they arrive at the station, saving them the time of shooting blacks randomly over a longer period of time. This solution also saves the cops the effort of thinking up another scary excuse for murdering people (“evil spirits opened the car door on my elbow, pulled the gun from my holster and shot the dangerous eye doctor directly through the heart”). With Goetz, they could just say “Well, Bernie's fuck’n nuts”.
Sharon Bulova: The cops could force all newly arriving blacks to listen to Sharon Bulova explain why law enforcement’s political contributions to her campaign wasn’t a political payoff to avoid police oversight in the county. After a few minutes of listening to this old white lady, black people will shoot themselves. Problem solved.
Sharon Bulova
Where the hell is the chief of police and the seemingly endless, endless line of overpaid deputy-assistant-to-the- assistant-deputy-of- the- deputy- police-chief? Don’t we pay someone in an executive level to make this sort of call? Where’s Rhorer when you actually need him?

But don’t worry all is not lost. Poster child for the perpetually confused, Supervisor John Foust, who kept his office in the McLean Police station for years, took his usual marshmallow stand and effectively said nothing. Well almost nothing.
“Why do you feel the need for such a significant investment?” he asked the inquiring reporter as if the reporter was planning to build the additional police station out of her spare pocket change.
Supervisor John Foust
On the other side of the mentally challenged spectrum we find…and not surprisingly … big time spender, lifelong government worker and cop suck-up, Supervisor Gerry Hyland (Mount Vernon) who said, “We’re going to need another station. The question isn’t whether, it’s when.” …and so much for democracy.
Hyland, a bachelor who has spent most of his life around men….we’re just say’n that’s all….not there is ANYTHING wrong with that…. may be little more than a waterboy for the cops, but at least we know where he stands, or in his case, which rock he’s curled up under.
Supervisor Gerry Hyland
And in the end, he’s right. When those pillars of mush on the Board of Supervisors assume no one is watching, they’ll stop their puffery about standing up to the police. Then the cops, with their one third of a billion dollar budget, will get their new station in Tysons. That’s the way it goes here in Fairfax County where our elected officials are convenient liberals with bendable principles and the cops run the show.
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