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Sharon Bulova: Sharon: We're willing to show you the money just l...

Sharon Bulova: Sharon: We're willing to show you the money just l...: So the Fairfax County Police, 90% live outside the county, want a raise to spend away from Fairfax County We believe you should all...

The fairfax County Police have gotten away with not answering for the killing of John Geer for

220 days

How long would the let you not answer for a homicide? 

Fairfax County Police bring in bloodhoods to help them locate their morals and principles


Paid for out of the Fairfax County Police budget that nears $400,000,000 a year (Yeah, it’s that much) Bolt and Silas are the Fairfax County Police Department’s newest additions to its bloodhound team to go along with a number of air drones, ships and helicopters that you pay for.

“We’re hoping they can locate basic principles of decency within the department” said department spokesperson Susan Lookslikeaman “and then lend it out to Fairfax Commonwealth’s Attorney Ray Morrogh to help him find his scruples” 

John Geer, unarmed, gunned down and the cops won't explain why and their getting away with it